Saturday, July 31, 2010

I'm probably not back, but...

Thank you so much to Valerie for finding an archive of all my stories here: !!!

I thought I'd lost them.

Well sort of.  They're all on my (broken) laptop, which is (unhelpfully) in America, and I didn't think I'd get to put them back up until next May, but here they are.  Yay, Valerie!

I've written a few new things, I guess.  See "Just the Four of Us" (at the very top of the right hand column under "All Stories") to read them.  There's some M/F involved -- pretty heavily, actually -- so I'm nervous to throw them out there.  If it squicks you, just don't tell me, okay?  :D  For whatever reason, they're making me feel all irrational and insecure.
Anyway, I've never been as prolific as I wish I could be and that's probably not going to change, but at least what I've already written can live here.
As always, thank you so much for reading and visiting. :)  I think you're nice.


  1. I understand you don't need positive feedback for your stories, but here is some anyway. I love your writing. Your characters come to life on the page. I am especially interested in Dominic and Graeme and the community of brats and tops. Please continue writing and know that I will follow your blog with avid interest. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  2. I love all your stories. My favorites are Dominic & Graeme, The Community (I really hope you continue this one), and The Dover Series. I hope you will be able to write more in the near future. :)
